Adaptive Min Rate Strategy

This strategy aims to skip temporary drops of rate.

For this, it will turn 'Min offer rate' dynamic, to block new offers if the offer rate is too low for a moment.

The picture below shows the Intraday chart. The light blue line is the rate at which an offer will be made when funds are available.

The dark blue line is the minimum rate, calculated by the Adaptive min rate strategy. No offer will be created if light blue line is below dark blue line.

The black line is your funds available for lending.

Adaptive min rate strategy

There is 1 setting for this strategy:

  • Max rate [in %/day] is the limit above which the Adaptive min rate strategy will start to maximize the Use Rate. By experience, when rates are in bubble territory it is more efficient to try and lend 100% of the balance, rather than waiting for even higher rate.
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